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Monday, September 6, 2010

Easy-to-make summer sippers

This summer give khus sherbet and mango panna a break. We suggest some cooler mocktails that are sure to help you battle the sun in style.

Pick me up
Ingredients : Fifteen ml passion fruit syrup, 15 ml peach syrup, 10 gm ginger (finely chopped), 250 ml watermelon juice, a dash of lime juice

Method : Mix both the syrups and pour in a glass. Add watermelon and lime juice to this and mix well. Pour in a cocktail glass with chunks of watermelon. Serve chilled.

Ingredients : Four lemon quarters, 5 mint leaves, 15 ml lime juice, 15 ml ginger syrup, 120 ml ale

Method : Mix lemon juice with mint leaves. Put some ice in the glass and pour ginger ale and ginger syrup over it. Garnish with mint and serve.

Whispering palms
Ingredients : One scoop vanilla icecream, 200 ml apple juice, 15 ml coconut syrup, 15 ml mint mojito syrup, 2 tbs cream, 1 tbs dried coconut, 1 tbs brown sugar

Method : Mix apple juice, coconut syrup, mint mojito, cream and vanilla ice-cream. Blend in mixer with ice. Mix dried coconut and brown sugar. Sprinkle on the glass' rim. Pour the drink and serve chilled.

Passionate sunset
Ingredients : Fifteen ml passion fruit syrup, 150 ml orange juice, 1 bottle soda, 1 orange slice

Method : Fill the glass with some ice; pour passion fruit syrup and orange juice in it. It will form two distinct layers. Add soda and garnish with the orange slice. Serve chilled.

Ingredients : Ten ml pomegranate syrup, 30 ml litchi syrup, 10 ml lime juice, 120 ml tonic water.

Method : Put four cubes of ice in a glass. Pour the pomegranate and litchi syrup. Add lime juice and top the drink with tonic water. Serve chilled. (All the fruit syrups are available in supermarket chains across the city).

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