Sani can make a prince into pauper and a pauper into an emperor... and particularly so during the SADE SATI period when we are afflicted for the seven and a half years period of LORD SHANIDEVA-SATURN. Every one has gone through an inexplicable down-phase in life when for almost no reasons we feel that fate is against us- many people lose their jobs, many have health problems that do not seem to go away, some face legal problems, some marriages start to fail- they divorce, problems just seem to multiply. That usually is the period when LORD SHANIDEVA is gazing down on us during our SADE-SATI- and no one can escape the tough punishment of LORD SHANI DEVA. One nice remedy is to please LORD SHANI DEVA. King Nala"s story is said to please LORD SATURN. "I WILL NOT TOUCH ANY ONE, WHO LISTENS TO THE STORY OF KING NALA AND DHAMAYANTHI," said Lord Saturn.This indicates the greatness of the KING NALA and his beautiful wife.King Nala got rid of the evil effects of Saturn at Thirunallaru in Tamilnadu, which attracts devotees from all parts of India.
The Story Begins.......... "Nala was the king of Nishada. One evening, He was strolling in the floral gardens and was impressed by the beauty of a royal swan over there. He took it in his hands, embraced it and appreciated its beauty. The swan talked very highly of the beauty of Princess Damayanthi. At once, Nala mentally fell in love with Princess Damayanthi. The swan promised the king to help, flew to the palace of Damayanthi, conveyed Nala"s desire to her and got her consent. Their marriage took place in the presence of DEVAS, who were also attracted by her exceptional beauty. Four of the DEVAS were feeling very jealous of King Nala and they requested Saturn to create trouble for the happy couple. Saturn was waiting for an opportunity as King Nala was about to start his sade-sati. One day Nala, before performing pooja did not wash his feet properly. Soon, Saturn caught him by the back of his feet. He lost everything through gambling, including his kingdom. He went to the forest along with Damayanthi and children. One night, He deserted them in the forest and Damayanthi returned to her father"s kingdom with her children. Later, on His way Nala was bitten by a snake, and He lost His good looks. He became the chariot-driver to Ruthuparnan, King of Ayodhi. One day, he got the news of re-marriage of Damayanthi, which was a drama planned for their re-union. Nala used the dress given by the snake and regained his royal looks. He flew to the palace of Damayanthi. Due to the efforts of Damayanthi"s father and Ruthuparnan, they got re-united. Nala regained his kingdom also. But still, He was lacking peace of mind. As per the advice of sage Narada, he went on pilgrimage to several temples and finally reached Thirunallaru. Here, He got rid of the evil effects of SHANI BHAGAWAN and regained peace of mind. Whosoever visits THIRUNALLARU escapes from the horrific clutches of LORD SATURN. Listening to King Nala"s story and worshipping Lord Saturn at Thirunallaru will definitely reduce the unfavourable effects of LORD SHANI. """"""
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