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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here is a very good write up that i want to share with you. thanks to Shridharji, original up loader.

You might have come across lot of people who believe in God, Religion and so on does it have value in the path of Realization.

Answer is Big NO.

Believers has no place in a Spiritual Path

In a Spiritual path there are only two types people i.e. one who is a Seeker or other is realized, there is no place of just believers.

Lot of people attend or hear spiritual discourses, and immediately they become Dharmic and starts discussing with like minded people and come close to religious or spiritual side of life. That means suddenly they choose the spiritual seeking path. Subsequently it is a just a matter of follow up or constant move in the path. But is it really happens. Once deliberately and consciously on a spiritual seeking path, then you can't close your eyes mid way.

Converting about into a simple practical example If you are looking for something in your house, you are either in the state of looking for it or found it. There is no value in being in a state, where you start believing that you will find the thing you are looking for.

Believing that the thing is somewhere, you are not even sure whereabouts though, and that somehow you believe the story of its existence can bring you up to it, is useless or don’t have any value.

Now examine the Believers and Non- Believers. Non- Believers are those who neither have the knowledge nor the interest to go thru the spiritual path. Where as Believers do no more than talking (May I compare them to our Politicians who only talk and talk ….)

Exploring non stop is the most important "principle" of the spiritual path.

So Be a Seeker Not a Speaker (Believer)

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