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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Anna - the Living Mahatma Gandhi)

Anna announces his fast unto death against corruption (Anna - the Living Mahatma Gandhi)

Description: Anna Hazare has given an ultimatum to the Prime Minister that if the government does not enact a strong anti-corruption law on the lines of “Jan Lokpal Bill”, he will go on an indefinite fast from 5th April 2011.
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On 1st December 2010, Anna Hazare, along with Swami Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, ---Kiran Bedi, Swami Agnivesh, Arvind Kejriwal and others, wrote to the Prime Minister to enact a strong law against corruption.

Anna’s appeal to the people:

“When I sit on fast on 5th April, I urge my fellow countrymen to
  • Join me in fasting for one, two, three or whatever number of days you can comfortably fast.
  • Along with fast, please pray to God (whoever you believe in) for better and corruption free India. Collective prayers from all the people of India would definitely have a huge impact.
  • Write an impassioned plea to our Prime Minister that we look upon him to pass “Jan Lokpal Bill”, else we will be compelled not to vote for his party in next elections.
  • Remain calm and peaceful and develop the courage to go to jail, if required, in this next freedom movement.
Please join the movement by registering yourself   in the following link

Who is Anna Hazare?

Anna Hazare was a soldier in Indian Army in 1963. In Indo Pak war in 1965, his entire unit died. He was the lone survivor. He was also hit by a bullet but he survived. An ardent follower of Swami Vivekanand, he thought that he had got a second life, which he ought to dedicate to the society. He continued in army for the next 13 years, after which he came to Ralegan Siddhi in Ahmednagar District in Maharashtra. He started living in a temple there and since then he has been living in the same temple. He has not gone back to his family so much so that he does not even know the names of the children of his brothers. He is still a bachelor. Barring a few books and a few clothes, he has no possessions and no bank balance. He receives Rs 6000 per month pension which also he gives away for social causes. He is truly modern Mahatama Gandhi.
Please join the movement by registering yourself   in the following link

Some of Anna’s achievements so far:

Ralegan Siddhi was a completely dry and barren area. Taking people along and by doing watershed, he has transformed it into a green and food surplus village. Earlier, a hotbed of alcoholism, today no one in the village drinks. From late eighties, he started raising his voice against corruption. He has undergone long fasts on several occasions to force the governments, and the governments had to actually budge. Due to his efforts, more than 400 officers and six ministers of Maharashtra Government were removed from their jobs. He has been instrumental in forcing Maharashtra government to pass seven laws including the historic Maharashtra RTI Act. In 2006, when government of India tried to amend the Central RTI Act, he again went on an indefinite fast and forced the Indian government to withdraw its proposal.
Please join the movement by registering yourself   in the following link

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