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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

நித்ய/பிரதோஷபூஜை முறை - Nitya/PRADOSHA POOJA Vidhi (Sanskrit & Tamil) versions

Dear All,
Thanking the original uploader, I am presenting herewith Nitya/Pradosha Pooja Vdhi both in Tamil and Sanskrit, this book can be used for both short and elaborate pooja procedures, like everyday pooja and pradosha pooja. Based on Pradosha Pooja and Nitya pooja in mind, this book has been compiled and most of the procedures and mantras have been incorporated to make the pooja easy. You may also find random meaning before the start, hope you will find it useful. thanks ESHWAR GOPAL in Sanskrit and in Tamil.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, I am glad i came across this blog. will visit often from now on.
    Performed pradosh e-puja
