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Monday, May 9, 2011

GURU PEYARCHI 2011 - Jupiter Enters Aries May 8th 2011

Jupiter Enters Aries May 8th 2011

Is this Big Move the Time to Make YOUR Big Move?

What Does This Jupiter Transit Mean For You?

Lord Jupiter

Jupiter is a slow moving planet meaning that he doesn’t move into a new house or sign very often but when he does it means BIG things for us.

This time could bring opportunities or it could bring obstacles. Knowing which and when they are due to come into your year is invaluable to help you remain alert to them to be able to capitalize.
If this Jupiter transit is deemed 'favorable' for your Moon Sign, participating in the well-timed rituals for Jupiter will give you the power boost to support your aggressive, successful growth in specific areas of your life. Now is the time to make YOUR Big Move!
If this Jupiter transit is deemed 'unfavorable' for your Moon Sign, participating in the remedies will prevent or lessen the harmful effects that are coming your way.

Know More About The Jupiter in Aries Transit


'Favorable' Jupiter transit 2011:

If this Jupiter transit is favorable for you, overall, you are in for a lucky time. We list some of the unfavorable potentials Jupiter may still attribute to you, but they are more for you to simply "keep a look out for" and may not be applicable to you personally. Remedies done before Jupiter retrogrades will give immediate protection and fetch fruitful results during the retrograde period
Those with Moon signs that have general favorable results of Jupiter during this transit are
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Gemini Leo Libra Sagittarius Pisces

- Jupiter in 11th House
  • increased income and finances
  • efforts successful
  • job promotion
  • increased money and support through elders, father, siblings and friends
  • possibility of marriage
  • birth of child
  • increase of courage
  • signing of contracts
  • acquisitions of property and vehicles
  • name and fame through work and efforts
'Favorable' Enhancement Rituals
  • mother may be put in danger or experience loss
  • delayed marriage or problems in marriage
  • temporary separation from father
  • delays in getting maternal property and favor
  • children will be unsuccessful in their ventures
- Jupiter in the 9th House
  • increase in opportunities
  • improved mental capacity
  • long journey brings gain
  • children, father and family all prosperous
  • birth of son who will be famous and prosper in life
  • increased spirituality
  • initiation by spiritual master
  • divine Grace brings prosperity and success
  • success in examination and higher studies
'Favorable' Enhancement Rituals
  • increased expenses from philanthropic work and pilgrimage
  • increased maintenance expenses paternal property.
  • caution in handling huge amounts of money
  • separation from close relatives
  • loss through family members
  • researchers will experience sleepless nights
- Jupiter in the 7th House
  • possibility of marriage
  • new clothes and accessories
  • profits in business
  • new business partner
  • gain through secret affairs
  • defeat the tactics of enemies
  • gains through foreign relations
'Favorable' Enhancement Rituals
  • extra marital affairs
  • disease of sexual organs
  • secretive plotting against enemies
  • increase in arguments and disagreements
  • undisciplined attitude
- Jupiter in 5th House
  • creative works bring name and fame
  • birth of child
  • profit from lotteries, speculation and/or shares
  • honor through research
  • successful completion of higher studies
  • those in fine arts earn more
  • inclination towards the arts, entertainment and enjoyment
  • new romantic relationship or love affair
'Favorable' Enhancement Rituals
  • increased expense for educational activities
  • up against stiff competition
  • separation from relatives
  • trouble for relatives
- Jupiter in the 2nd House
  • increased stability in finance
  • will gain clarity of speech and have oratorical power
  • easy anger management
  • success in business
  • addition to family
  • happy family environment
  • gains through pets
'Favorable' Enhancement Rituals
  • jealousy arises over money matters
  • attract the wrong people
  • may be forced to depart with property

'Unfavorable' Jupiter transit 2011:

If this Jupiter transit is mostly unfavorable for your Moon Sign, it is important not to worry and manifest the general negative indication. It is generalized to give a broader view of the transit. Good things will happen to you too, especially when Jupiter goes Retrograde on August 30th to December 26th. Remedies done before Jupiter retrogrades will give immediate protection and fetch fruitful results during the retrograde period.
Those with Moon signs that have general unfavorable results of Jupiter during this transit are
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Aries Taurus Cancer Virgo Scorpio Capricorn Aquarius

- Jupiter in 1st House
  • addition to the family
  • increased fortune
  • support from father and elders
  • spiritual initiation and pilgrimages
  • job promotion
  • starting new business ventures
  • success in higher studies
  • good news from children
  • new relationship brings possibility of marriage
  • loss of money
  • defamed at work
  • potential danger for maternal relatives
  • rise of ego - self importance
  • increased mental tension
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 12th House
  • increased philanthropic works
  • foreign relationship
  • success in litigation
  • victory over competitors
  • happiness from foreign travel
  • spiritual studies
  • suffer from incurable, chronic disease
  • loss of legacies/inherited properties
  • defamation of father and elders
  • loss of reputation in public
  • disgrace through spiritual master
  • separation with elders or spiritual master
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 10th House
  • job promotion
  • recognition by superiors
  • increased name and fame in public
  • happiness and comfort at home
  • mental peace
  • successful litigation
  • successful service
  • unemployed will become employed
  • increased finances
  • acquisition of property and vehicles
  • support from father and family
  • troubles with siblings and/or children
  • fear of losing esteem
  • increased time with government
  • trouble through government transportation
  • unfavorable transfers
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 8th House
  • inheritance of properties and insurance money
  • gain through in-laws
  • gain through spouse
  • favourable capital investments
  • profit through mean friends
  • fear of defamation
  • possible imprisonment
  • possibility of chronic disease
  • bodily discomforts
  • may become too incapacitated to earn
  • conflicts over inherited property
  • wearisome journey
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 6th House
  • gains through own efforts
  • success in litigation
  • victory over competitors
  • wealth through conflicts
  • name and fame is protected
  • unemployed with become employed
  • happiness through increased social activity
  • medical professionals earn more
  • easy to secure loans
  • hindrances at work
  • defamation and unpopularity
  • mental agony
  • possibility of diabetes and tonsillitis
  • feel push to strive hard for profits
  • possibility of accusation and indictment
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 4th House
  • success in educational activities
  • happy home life
  • mental peace
  • gain through transactions of property and vehicles
  • financial support from parents
  • support from government
  • gains from investment in agriculture
  • increase in happy family functions
  • displacement
  • prone to believe deceitful things
  • trouble through journey
  • doubt and mistrust of those around you
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals
- Jupiter in 3rd House
  • increase in courage and self efficiency
  • gains from popularity through writing and public relations
  • gains through siblings and/or neighbour
  • gains through a journey
  • favourable move
  • gain from basic or elementary education
  • increased spirituality
  • increased philanthropic work
  • increased sources of income
  • troubling dreams, mental agony
  • loss of efficiency
  • hostility and deep seated ill will increase
'Unfavorable' Remedial Rituals

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